Get better performances from your plant with a Favretto second-hand grinder



Congri, Favretto and all the companies that make our lives easier

Who works in the manufacturing industry knows how complex this world is, one that is often hidden but fundamental for our country. Lots of other sectors depend on it, which wouldn’t be able to provide all the services and products we need to lead the comfortable lives we’re used to. Let’s take Favretto as an example; the company is specialised in the production of grinders, and without them, hundreds of factories wouldn’t be able to make their essential products. Or we could talk about companies like ConGri, which act as an intermediary in their retail activity of machine tools.

Most people don’t even know this kind of machinery exists, let alone they imagine the pivotal role it plays in our everyday life. Since we’ve been working with passion in this industry for years, we’d like to change the situation. To do this, we wanted to tell you about some of our products, starting with the second-hand grinding machines by Favretto, one of the most appreciated by our clients.

What are second-hand grinding machines and what they’re used for

Among the machine tools, grinders are the ones employed to carry out precise, finishing jobs. On each Favoretto second-hand grinding machine, for example, is applied a fine grinder made of an extremely hard material, designed to shape as required different components. In this field, a millimetre-precision is required, both for dimensions and shape, and only grinding machines can allow it. Moreover, they’re designed to work on material as though as hardened steel. 

There are many kinds of grinding machines, depending on the type of production and products: edgewheel grinders, internal and external ones, and those provided with rotary tables. Over the years, companies like Favretto have created cutting-edge pieces of machinery that are easy and safe to handle at the same time. A second-hand grinding machine by Favretto is not only a good purchase for its technical features but also for the attention the company pays to the people who have to work on it. 

After all, Favretto has been a detail-oriented and innovative company from its very beginning in the ’30s. Since then, nothing has changed; on the contrary, the effort to offer state-of-the-art solutions has only grown since the company has been bought by Rosa Ermando, another big of the industry. 

Second-hand grinding machines by Favretto: where to buy them 

Who works with machine tools knows that there is no better supplier than ConGri S.r.l.. Thanks to partnerships with the most important manufacturers of this machinery, our clients have the opportunity to buy machining centres, lathes, and also all kinds of grinding machines. In addition, we provide a complete service that does not end after the purchase. For example, our staff is always available to answer questions about the products we carry and suggest which one to buy according to each plant’s needs

One of the services our clients find more interesting is the retail of second-hand products. The purchase of brand-new machine tools is, more often than not, a huge investment most entrepreneurs cannot afford.  For this reason, ConGri has created a well-stocked warehouse, in which you can find every kind of second-hand machinery. For example, if you want to buy a second-hand grinding machine for your plant, right now, three models are available: edgewheel grinder MB100 DTG Plus, edgewheel grinder provided with rotary table MR 30 N, and a grinding machine

It only takes a quick visit to our warehouse in Gerenzano to verify the perfect conditions of each Favretto second-hand grinding machine we have on sale. The reconditioned machine tools we offer are not only designed by some of the most famous brands in the industry but they are capable of competing with the most recent ones

Get in touch with us to verify if the model you’re interested in is still available.