Do you want to buy second-hand lathes by Biglia? ConGri has the perfect models for you



The secret of ConGri’s success 

Nowadays being successful in business is not as easy as it used to be; when you come across to a healthy reality that is also constantly growing, to take a close look to its results and they ways it has achieved them is always a good idea. This is exactly what one should do with ConGri S.R.L., firm specialised in the trade of machine tools.

Obviously, the reasons behind ConGri’s past and present exceptional achievements varies in nature, but they could be summarised in an idea as simple as it is pivotal for our enterprise: “be always respectful of the client”.

It’s on this principle that the two owners have established their business and on its bases they still run it. To ConGri and its team of expert dealers “be respectful of the client” means provide them with a complete selection of services and the best products on the market, so to meet their every need, be it technical or budget related.

Second-hand products: all the lathes by Biglia you need

One of our most appreciated services is the sale of top-tier, second-hand machinery. In our well-stocked machinery inventory it is possible to find machining centres, grinders, boring machines, and even second-hand Biglia lathes in perfect working conditions and ready to be put to use.

The chance we offer to purchase not only brand new products by the best brands, but also second-hand ones is a courtesy we’re happy to be able to provide. There are many businessmen who prefer to buy second-hand models of Biglia lathes, instead of purchasing brand new ones. There are several reasons for this, such as saving a bit of money.

Biglia lathes available at ConGri

Try to picture this: you need a new lathe, maybe because one of yours has just broken down; buying a second-hand one by Biglia you won’t have to wait in order for it to be shipped from who knows where, because you’ll find it right here in ConGri’s warehouse. Moreover, workers already know how to work second-hand models, a welcomed extra that may prevent dangerous accidents.

At the moment we have at our disposal two models of second-hand lathes by Biglia. The first one is a four-axis, CNC lathes, whereas the second one is a horizontal, CNC B1000. Like the rest of products by the Italian firm, which has been a leader in the field since 1958, the Biglia second-hand lathes available at ConGri can improve the performance of the plant and the quality of the production.

If you’re worried about the conditions of second-hand products, you should stop doubting right now. Before putting them up for sale, ConGri charges his team of expert technicians with the task of examining each machine. We hold your satisfaction too dear to sell you a second-hand product whose performance cannot match that of a brand new one. In addition, we give everyone who might be interested the chance to take a look at our selection of second-hand products.

ConGri and its second-hand lathes by Biglia await for you in Gerenzano in order to start a long and worthwhile partnership.